Archive for Juli, 2021

Tabs durch vier Spaces (Leerzeichen) ersetzen

Donnerstag, Juli 29th, 2021

find . -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -e 's/\t/ /g' {} > {} \;

Gimp – gestrichelte Linie malen

Freitag, Juli 23rd, 2021

Step 1
Launch GIMP and open the document in which you want to draw a dotted line.

Step 2
Choose a color for the line from the „Change Foreground Color“ menu.

Step 3
Click the „Paths Tool“ tool, and draw a straight line in the document where you want the dotted line to appear.

Step 4
Right-click on the line, choose „Edit“ and click „Stroke Path.“

Step 5
Click „Solid Color“ from the window that appears, and click the triangle next to „Line Style“ to make more options appear.

Step 6
Click the „Dash Preset“ drop-down menu, and choose the line style you prefer.

Step 7
Click „Stroke“ to close the Stroke Path window, and the solid line you drew will turn into a dotted line.

Anmerkung: um eine Auswahl (Selection) in einen Pfad umzuwandeln, muss man mit dem Selection-Tool und Rechtsklick das Kontextmenü aufrufen und „Selection/To Path“ wählen