Archive for April, 2020

Linux: Dateisystem prüfen

Dienstag, April 28th, 2020
fsck -vcck /dev/device-PARTITION
(partition ist nicht gemountet)

Blender 2.8 Shortcuts

Samstag, April 4th, 2020

Shift + A Add object/node
X OR Delete Delete
F3 Search for function
G Move
S Scale
R Rotate
R + X/Y/Z Rotate along global axis
R + XX/YY/ZZ Rotate along local axis
Double press R Free rotate with trackball
Shift (hold) Precise movement
Ctrl (hold) Incremental movement
Shift + D Duplicate
Alt + D Duplicate linked
H Hide
Alt + H Unhide all
Shift + H Hide all except selected
D (hold) + ¹LMB (drag) Annotate
D (hold) + ¹RMB (drag) Erase annotation
Q Quick favorites

Window Shortcuts
T Toolbar
N Properties bar
Ctrl + Space Maximize area (but keep toolbar)
Ctrl + Alt + Space Fullscreen area
Ctrl + Alt + Q Quad view
Alt + Z Toggle X-Ray view
NumPad 7 Top view
NumPad 1 Front view
NumPad 3 Right view
Ctrl + NumPad 3 Left view
NumPad , Center selected
Shift + ^ Walk navigation

Change Windows
Shift + F2 Movie Clip
Shift + F3 Nodes
Shift + F4 Python Console
Shift + F5 3D Viewport
Shift + F6 Graph
Shift + F7 Properties
Shift + F8 Video Sequencer
Shift + F9 Outliner
Shift + F10 UV/Image
Shift + F11 Text
Shift + F12 Dope Sheet

General Selections
¹LMB Select
A Select all
Alt + A OR Double press A Deselect all
B OR ¹LMB (drag) Marquee box select
C Circle select
Ctrl + ¹RMB Lasso select
Ctrl + i Invert selection
Shift + L Select linked
Shift + G Select similar
Alt + ¹LMB Select from many

¹MMB Orbit
Shift + ¹MMB Pan
Scroll OR Ctrl + ¹MMB Zoom in/out
Shift + ~ Fly

Object Mode
Ctrl + Tab Open pie menu
Tab Edit OR Object mode toggle
Ctrl + M then X/Y/Z (OR ¹MMB(drag) Mirror
Ctrl + P Set parent (last selected)
Alt + P Clear parent
Shift + Tab Toggle snapping
Alt + G Reset position
Alt + R Reset rotation
Alt + S Reset scale
Ctrl + A Apply location / scale / rotation
Ctrl + J Join selected objects
Ctrl + L Copy attributes to new objects
Ctrl + 0/1/2/3/4/5 Add subdivision level
Alt + B Mask view to region OR Clear mask
Shift + C Center 3D cursor
M Move active object to collection
Ctrl + Alt + NumPad 0 Move active camera to view
Ctrl + NumPad 0 Set as active camera

Selection in Edit Mode
Ctrl + L Select connected mesh
L Select connected mesh under cursor
Alt + ¹LMB Select edge loop
Ctrl + Alt + ¹RMB Select edge ring
1 Vertex select mode
2 Edge select mode
3 Face select mode
Ctrl + Shift + M Mirror current selection
Ctrl +/- Grow/Shrink image
Ctrl + E Edge crease

Curve Editing
E OR Ctrl + ¹RMB Add new handle
V Change handle type
Ctrl + X Delete but maintain connection
Alt + C Close curve
Ctrl + T Tilt
Alt + T Clear tilt

E Extrude
i Inset
Ctrl + B Bevel
Ctrl + Shift + B Bevel vertices
Ctrl + R Loopcut
G,G Vertex/Edge Slide
K Knife
F Fill face
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + S Shear
Shift + W Bend
Y Split
V Rip
Alt + V Rip fill
Alt + M Merge
Shift + N Recalculate normals
Ctrl + Shift + N Invert normals
O Proportional editing on/off
Shift + O Proportional falloff type
P Separate to new object

U Unwrap
Ctrl + E Mark seam

UV Editor
L (under cursor) OR Ctrl + L Select island
V Stitch
Shift + W Weld
P Pin
Alt + P Unpin
Shift + P Select pinned

Image Editor
N Properties, Scopes, Slots and Metadata
1 (NumPad) View at 100%
Shift + Home View to fit
J Next render slot
Alt + J Previous render slot
1-8 Select render slot
Alt + S Save image
Shift + S Save image as

Image Editor (Paint)
Alt + N Create new blank image
Alt + O Open image
N Brush properties
F Brush size
Shift + F Brush strength
S Sample color
X Flip brush colors

Ctrl + ¹RMB (drag) Cut connection
F Connect selected
N Properties
Ctrl + X Delete selected but maintain connection
Ctrl + Shift + D Duplicate selected and maintain connection
M Mute selected
Ctrl + G Group selected
Ctrl + Alt + G Ungroup selected
Tab Enter/Exit group (Toggle)
Ctrl + J Frame selected nodes
Ctrl + H Show/Hide inactive nodes

Alt + ¹MMB Move backdrop
V / Alt + V Zoom backdrop
N Properties and performance

Shift + Space Brush image
F Brush size
Shift + F Brush strength
Ctrl + F Brush angle
R Angle control
E Stroke control
B Mask (box)
M Mask (brush)
Alt + M Clear mask
Ctrl + i Invert mask
H Hide (box)

F12 Render
Ctrl + F12 Render animation
Ctrl + F11 Playback rendered animation
Ctrl + B Set render region
Ctrl + Alt + B Reset render region

Animation (General)
Space Play/Pause playback
Ctrl + Shift + Space Reverse play
Alt + Scroll Scroll through frames
Left/Right Arrow Next/Previous frame
Shift + Left/Right Arrow First/Last frame
Up/Down Arrow Jump to keyframe
I Add keyframe
Alt + i Delete keyframe

Animation (Dopesheet)
Ctrl + Tab Toggle Dopesheet
Ctrl + T Toggle frames/seconds
Home OR NumPad . Zoom to fit active keyframes
T Set keyframe interpolation
V Set keyframe handle type
Shift + E Set keyframe extrapolation
Ctrl + M Mirror keyframes
P then ¹LMB (drag) Set preview range
Ctrl + Alt + P Auto set preview range
Alt + P Clear preview
M Marker
Ctrl + M Rename marker
Ctrl + B Bind selected camera to selected marker
[ / ] Select keyframes before/after current frame
Ctrl + K Select all keyframes on current frame

Graph Editor
Ctrl + ¹RMB Add keyframe at cursor
N Properties and modifiers
Tab Lock selected channel

Rigging (Armatures)
E Add new bone
Shift + D Duplicate bone
Shift + W Bone settings
Ctrl + R Roll
Alt + R Clear roll
Shift + N Recalculate roll
Ctrl + Alt + A Align bone
Alt + F Switch bone direction
Alt + M Merge bones
Ctrl + X Dissolve bones
Y Split
P Separate
] and [ Scroll hierarchy

Posing Mode
i Add keyframe
Alt + G Clear location
Alt + R Clear rotation
Alt + S Clear scale
Ctrl + A Apply pose
Alt + P Propagate pose
Ctrl + E Push pose from breakdown
Alt + E Relax pose to breakdown
Shift + E Pose Breakdowner tool
Ctrl + C Copy pose

¹LMB = Left Mouse Button
MMB = Middle Mouse Button
RMB = Right Mouse Button